Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology

Assistive technology is provided to reduce barriers for students in accessing school-based programming. Application to the Coordinator of Student Achievement & Supports occurs using the Assistive Technology Request Form located in the “O” drive labeled Student Services.


  • Request must be submitted to the Coordinator of Student Achievement & Supports for prior approval.
  • Assistive technology must assist the student in accessing the educational program in a way that is not otherwise available.
  • Augmentative communication devices must be ability appropriate and school level staff must be trained in the use of the technology.
  • The use of the assistive technology must be reflected in the student’s Inclusion and Intervention Plan identifying the student’s current level of performance along with a specific expected outcome for the use of the assistive device.


  • Strategies currently used to increase student access to his/her educational program.
  • Current Level of Performance without requested assistive technology.
  • How will the requested assistive technology impact the student’s access to the educational program?
  • How & where this assistive technology will be used.
  • How its use will be supported &/or monitored.
  • How its use & effectiveness will be evaluated.
  • Plan for training staff &/or student in use of assistive technology.