Early Numeracy Learning Progressions

Christina Tondevold has a great collection of resources with very explicit material around early numeracy https://www.therecoveringtraditionalist.com/

This video by Christina Tondevold gives a summary of early numeracy concept development. "Number sense isn't 'taught', it's 'caught' ".

Principles of Counting and Quantity:   Information on stable order, one-to-one correspondence ,cardinality, conservation, order irrelevance, abstraction, subitizing, hierarchical inclusion and unitizing. Principles of Counting Quantity Cheat Sheet v2

Printable  Hundreds charts puzzles, one more one less, skip counting 

Maze Hundreds chart--plays in power point. Can be used on SMARTboard

Steve Wyborney most popular downloads

Graham Fletcher videos     

Making Sense of Early Number and Counting

Progression of Addition and Subtraction

Progression of Multiplication

Progression of Fractions

Place Value concept development 


Pam Harris:  Math is Figure-Outable  https://www.mathisfigureoutable.com/