Open Middle

Open Middle

What is "Open Middle"?

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Click here to go to Robert Kaplinski's page "Open Middle"

Here you will find videos on how and why to use open middle tasks in your classroom, and many open middle tasks, sorted by grade level

Open Middle questions are tasks that have more than one correct approach.  Rather than "worksheets", which are repetitive, and often feel like busy work, open problems inspire exploration, conceptual understanding, conversation, and creativity in math.  Here's an example:

There are many possible solutions to this problem. Students like these tasks better than closed "worksheet" questions. They are more engaging and require deeper thinking, original thought, and less repitition. They also help teachers discover misconceptions. They are naturally differentiated, as intuitive math thinkers can challenge themselves.  Everyone has the same task, but while "closed" problems expect everyone to do it the same way, Open Middle tasks allow for a student's individual and original thinking.

Robert Kaplinski's Open Middle

12 Open Middle Math Problems for a Fun Challenge

Geogebra Open Middle Exercises

Alice Keeler JamBoard Open Middle Tasks

Open Middle Tasks  (High School) Math=Love