

All subjects are taught in accordance with the curriculum that has been outlined by the Department of Education.

Religion is an integral part of the daily school routine.  Specific religion classes are scheduled regularly into the timetable.

Christ the Teacher Catholic Schools provide total assistance and support to the parents in preparing their children for participation in the Sacraments.

First Communion – Grade 2:
The entire second year religion course relates to the Eucharist.  The teachers begin a special program for immediate preparation about two months prior to the celebration of First Holy Communion.

First Reconciliation – Grade 3:
First reconciliation is generally celebrated during the season of Lent, with a preparation similar to that of First Communion.  Ukrainian Catholic parents are required to prepare their children before First Communion in a home preparation program.  St. Mary’s Church provides additional supportive instruction.

Confirmation – Grade 8 Roman Catholic Rite:
The students receive classroom instruction in preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation.  All Grade 8 students, including the students from the Byzantine Rite, who were confirmed at Baptism, journey with their classmates in the formal preparation process.

Language Arts:
This is an integrated resource-based program using a variety of resources and strategies to develop an appreciation for language and literature.  Teachers develop concepts through an integrated approach using reading, writing, listening, speaking, spelling and phonics.

Many resources and strategies are used to promote the development of concepts in each of the main strands in elementary mathematics:  numeration and operations, problem solving, geometry, measurement, data management and analysis.

The students are involved in a variety of hands-on activities, projects and resource-based research assignments.  A variety of field trips provide enrichment.

Social Studies:
Social Studies encompasses a study of man and his relationships with his social and physical environments.  This knowledge helps young people to be aware of the past, to understand the present and to shape the future.

The main goal in this area is to motivate young people to alter their attitudes and behaviour, where necessary, to ensure physical, social and emotional well-being.

Computer Education:
Computers are used to enhance curricular concepts through Computer Assisted Instruction (C.A.I.) – various software packages address concepts in math, science and language arts, typing tutor,etc.

The Christ the Teacher Catholic School Division has developed a comprehensive scope and sequence for Computer Education for Kindergarten to Grade 12, which aims to use computers for teaching and learning in all subject areas. All students will have the opportunity to experience the use of computer technology through the integration of computer use. All classrooms at St. Paul’s will have scheduled access to the networked Computer Lab.

Physical Education:
The physical education program is designed to develop physical and social skills and positive attitudes through various activities. St. Paul’s School has been recognized for offering “Quality Daily Physical Education” (QPDE) programming.

Arts Education:
Arts Education is an integral part of St. Paul’s School.  Students receive instruction in visual art, music, drama and dance.  Excellent enrichment is provided through our Christmas program or spring musicals, by participation in the Yorkton Music Festival and through the presentations of Junior Concerts and other special events.

Band instruction for Grade 5, 6, 7 and 8 students is available at St. Paul’s School.  Registration fees are set at the beginning of the school year.

Home Economics/Industrial Arts/Music/Dance:
All Grade 7 and 8 students from the Catholic School Division are transported to Sacred Heart High School to take classes in Industrial Arts, Home Economics and Music/Dance.  Each student will attend one afternoon class every six school days on a rotating timetable.  Students will learn cooking, sewing, skills in woodworking, basic shop safety and operation, keyboarding and dance.  Students will work from standard projects toward more complicated individual activities.