

Speech-Language Program

Ms. Lorinda Schramm, has been hired to provide speech-language programming for students. As a certified speech-language pathologist Ms. Schramm provides assessment, consultation and programming for students with communication needs. The program at St. Michael’s School is provided through an itinerant speech aide, Mrs. Kim Decker, who works with students that have difficulty producing all of their speech sounds correctly. Ms. Schramm assesses the students that have been referred and develops a program for Mrs. Decker to work with. This program focuses on articulation. Students with other communication needs such as language are assessed and programmed through the Student Support Services Teacher. Ms. Schramm is available to meet with parents, and teachers to discuss individual speech-language concerns. Parental concerns and referrals can be made through the Student Support Services Teacher. Please contact the school if you have questions or concerns about speech and language programming at St. Michael’s School.

Student Support Services Teacher (SSST)

Our Student Support Services Teacher works with students with specific learning needs.  Assessments are done to determine a student’s strengths and weaknesses, thus prescribing program direction and monitoring of the student’s progress.  SSST's provide assistance to students and teachers. The Student Support Services Teacher works closely with classroom teachers to identify and support students who are not achieving grade level expected outcomes in reading and mathematics.

School Counselor and Social Skills Program

Tammy Plews is here everyday. Parents wishing to speak with Mrs. Plews about their child should call the school and leave a message. She will return your call as soon as possible. If the situation is of an urgent matter, the school office will contact Mrs. Plews.  As a tool to assist students to solve their own minor conflicts, a Peer Mediation program has been setup.