Indigenous Education

Indigenous Education

Walking Together

Christ the Teacher Catholic School Division acknowledges our place on Treaty 4 Territory the traditional lands of the Nehiyawak (Cree), Anihsinapek (Saulteaux), and Nakota, and the homeland of the Dakota Lakota, and Metis People. We honour the spirit and intent of our sacred treaty relationship, and journey together to reaffirm our relation to one another and the land by teaching our shared history and learning from each other.


Saskatchewan is committed to strengthening partnerships between First Nations and non-First Nations people in Saskatchewan in the spirit of the Treaties. In 2007 Saskatchewan was the first province to mandate the instruction in the history and content of the Treaties in the provincial K–12 system.  The Office of the Treaty Commissioner and other partners work to develop, renew and distribute classroom resources to teach about treaties.

The Inspiring Success: Building Towards Student Achievement (2009) policy framework is our guide to ensure that Indigenous perspectives and ways of knowing continue to shape the learning experience for all students and to improve outcomes for First Nations and Métis learners. Christ the Teacher Catholic Schools, with the support of the community, local knowledge keepers and elders, will work to:

  1. Ensure our schools are welcoming environments where all our students feel valued and respected.
  1. Provide our students with culturally relevant opportunities to learn and experience the beauty of Indigenous culture.
  1. Engage with First Nations and Métis community members to hear and honour their voices as their involvement in education is imperative.
  1. Collaborate with the community to increase awareness and appreciation of Indigenous cultures, traditions, and perspectives for all students and students.


Indigenous self-identification Indigenous self-identification is entirely voluntary and confidential. Proof of ancestry is NOT required. You can self-identify when you register for school or contact your child’s school any time to self identify.


National Truth and Reconciliation

ISSI Partnership

Activities in Our Schools